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Seven Greek Islands added to quarantine list

Vince Green

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It is becoming increasingly clear that the Greek Islands are not playing by the rules and allowing an "anything goes" policy in the resorts with regard to nightlife etc Now they will have to pay the price.

People returning report a complete lack of distancing. No masks etc.

One woman said even in the hotel at breakfast no separation between tables people just helping themselves to the buffet and leaning over you etc

Everything at this stage depends on trust, No trust and the Government is right to clamp down. A surge in cases returning from these resorts tells the tale, . Good on Matt Hancock and the others they are doing their job

Edited by Vince Green
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12 hours ago, southeastpete said:

The Greeks are to blame eh? Who are the ones leaning over each other and choosing to sit next to others etc? The holidayers themselves, no one makes them. They make their own beds....

Oh yes the tourists are the idiots, its almost self selecting because only an idiot would want to go to a resort like that IMO. But the resort should be the adult in making and enforcing the rules. 

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