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I like the idea of the spread sheet. My mate and I once decided that we would weigh all the kit individually, and then be routhless. Shooting with a partner obviously means that you dont need two of everything, but you must remember to add the items to the kit if going solo.


When I riddled the pigeon rotor with holes,,we weighed the thing before and after, I cant remember the details now, but its accademic as my mate went and bought a newer, bigger, heavier battery! As a continuing point of protest, he carries the battery when we take the rotor.



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I never use a roof when out pigeon shooting. But if circumstances dictate I will use a roof on a hide for rook / crow shooting.

I don’t know if this happens to anybody else but. If the crows / rooks suspect some foul play they sore higher and higher into the air, well out of range call in to other birds they also head sky wards circling and calling ALARM.


I find with a roof the birds are less likely to do this and will decoy better. Yesterday a friend and I went out on a local pig farm and shot 85 birds in just over 3 hours. He was in a hedge and got 41 birds. I was on the edge of a track out in the open near to some freshly germinated grass. The farmer had left out a number of old wooden gates which I placed in a triangle shape. I also place a gate over the top to act as a roof I covered the sides and roof with camo netting and put the decoys out. I had some steady shooting for a while before the birds stopped coming to the farm.

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