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Eye dominace


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Hope I am in the correct forum for this question:


Started shooting again after a break of far too many years. If memory serves, used to be a reasonable shot.....now I'm rubbish.


Chap at my local Gunshop tells me that my eye dominance appears to have radically changed, from right/neutral to very left, thinks the problem too strong for glass patches and recommends that I close my left eye, well, that does work, but I keep forgetting to keep the left eye closed!


Has anyone tried Easy Hit? Saw it advertised, seems to make sense in the way it works, But £30 quid is a bit too rich for my pocket, unless it really does work!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've heard different things about them.


Some people saying their great and others saying that you should be looking at the target and not the red dot anyway. A guy from BASC who gave me a 15 min lesson at a game fair said they were rubbish but I guess it's personal pref.


I've decided that since I'm only a beginner I'm going to learn again from scratch being left handed which means I can use both eyes, I hope it works ok.

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Has anyone tried Easy Hit? Saw it advertised, seems to make sense in the way it works, But £30 quid is a bit too rich for my pocket, unless it really does work!



IMO save your money .......Both eye's open then shut your left prior to squeezing the trigger for any last micro second rectification on targets that cross ........incoming and going away whereby there is'nt a great need to swing the barrels you could get away with the 1 eye .


There is no substitute for regular practice though .

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