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Cherry Ice cream


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Last year i couldnt decide what to do with the cherry's off the tree, so decided to try making Ice cream. 

looked up for a recipe and came across one which required a Cherry liqueur, thats the one i would go for. Doing a load more this time round it was that good. 

Of course you need the fruit, these needed picking before the Blackbirds had them. Snapped a photo, thought it looked good in black and white.


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Last year the cherry trees outside my house provided an absolute bumper crop of the most tasty black cherries. This year with the pigeon, magpies and crow and the idiot woman 2 doors down who picked what was left before ripe to make sour cherry drink (don't ask - this is the same woman who had wall paper out to dry last year) I've had nothing and likely to have nothing. 

I have two more cherry trees ready to plant out, one is morello, I know that because it still has the label and another that hasn't yet fruited.

Make the best of what you have, you never know when your idiot neighbours are going to pick everything at 0400🙄

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