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red filters?


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Good torches the Fenix. I have an L2P which I use regularly at work.


Haven't seen the other models yet, would be VERY interested to see if they were up to lamping rabbits at .22 lr ranges. No more battery packs, wires, remote switches. Some are dimmable too, although in graduations not in a "smooth" way.


Does anyone have one that could comment?

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do you think that a L2D (135 lumens) with a red filter is powerful enough for hunting for rabbits?


If you live in France the chances are your lapin have seen plenty of hunters!

it is true, it is in France or one counts the most hunters.

But in France it is interdict of hunting with a airgun, it's no good for me :exclamation:

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Hi Zac


I have an Inova T4 Torch which purports to be 100 lumens. On a dark night, with little ambient light, I think it would be good for rabbits to airgun ranges, or a little bit more. You would need to mount it to the scope somehow though.


So yes, in theory it is feasable I suppose. I haven't seen the particular model you mention though I'm afraid.

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If you live in France the chances are your lapin have seen plenty of hunters! so I would try a red filter to see if it helps, also don't shine the light straight at them, just enough to pick out the eyes.


Spot on Stuart.


If you are a two-man team always, always get the lamper to shine the light on the ground in front of the rabbit (or fox for that matter). Just enough so that you can see the reflected eyes. All the shooter then has to do is to find the beam in the scope, go up, and there you are!


I've said this before, but as a test get your mate to shine the beam full onto your eyes at a range of 50 yards - you either stand transfixed with the shock, or want to get out of into the comfort of the dark. If rabbits have been lamped before, then playing a beam on them will make them scarper fast. Shining the beam at the rabbits feet makes them feel that they in the comfort of the dark.


So, if you have a dimmer then dim the lamp down to the lowest acceptable level of brightness, and then put the beam so that the top of the beam is at the rabbits feet, illuminating the eyes.



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thank Dead-Eyed Duck, for your good councils....


So, if you have a dimmer then dim the lamp

I do not have a dimmer on my L2D.Mais I can regulate the power with 9 lumens, 40 lumens, 80 lumens and 135 lumens.

but I think that it is better to use a red filter, because for rabbits as for the foxes, the red color is invisible.

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