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SGC interview tomorrow; advice please


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Hello all,


I have got the FEO coming round tomorrow to do the interview for the grant of my shotgun-cert; I have a cabinet ready. I have checked the security of my home to ensure it meets home office level 2 standards. I have a rough plan of how and where I am going to put the cabinet for when he asks.


Its just the interview questions part that I am concerend about. Can anyone give me an idea of what they will ask re shooting knowledge etc. I think I'm pretty brushed up; already had several clay lessons and I have got the BASC's Sporting Shotgun handbook which i have read quite a few times.


Any other Q's or tricks/traps I should watch out for?


Many Thanks,



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you have nothing to worry about that are not alliens , he just has a nice chat told him i did the odd clays and was waiting for my sgc so i could go out and get some farm land he was fine with that .... I had a spot of bother some years ago which he asked about and after that all was ok

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The really just want to make sure that you're not an obvious nutter and aren't going to do anything silly. As long as you don't try out your Travis Bickle impersonation on them you'll be fine.

My FEO asked the standard 'do you drink' question* which led to us spending 30 minutes discussing the local pubs, including which ones had the best lock-ins.

They really are human.


* The correct answer is 'yes I like a drink with friends every now and then', the wrong answer is 'yes, otherwise my hands shake too much to hold a gun'.

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