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Eat More Game. Game is Good for you.......bs &c


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No doubt many are aware of the strongly marketed promotion of the benefits of(healthy) eating of the by-products of game shooting, wildfowling and deer stalking.

I wonder if the outfit that has been strongly endorsing, for several years, the consumption of shot game has actually done any research or collated data to support its claims? Or is this promotion just so much hot air? Let us hope not the latter..... 🤔.....

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I eat a lot of game but am not really a drinker.Got gout last year and the Dr asked me about how much I drank,smoked and how much salt I took.He then asked me about eating red or gamey meat. We eat venison about 4 times a week in different forms plus pheasant,partridge and duck. The Dr said that I had to cut down on the game meat as too much is not good for you especially in the amounts I was eating.

The plus side of the visit was that the gout was sorted but I also got my blood pressure tested which turned out to be through the roof.Started walkibg fast every evening, lost 18lb,cut down on the game meat to a small extent (Have a sika roast in the oven as I type this) and am on daily tablets which I am sure a lot of men are.My blood pressure is still high but not as high as it was but I could still loose another stone and be healthier by doing so.

I believe that my high blood pressure is somwhat hereditary but also increased by bad diet and lack of exercise.At 45 it was a bit of a wake up call.

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2 minutes ago, gmm243 said:

I believe that my high blood pressure is somewhat hereditary but also increased by bad diet and lack of exercise.At 45 it was a bit of a wake up call.

Been there, but at 65 (now) BP is pretty good (with the assistance of a few pills) and gout mostly well controlled (about 1 outbreak a year) if I am sensible about eating and drinking.  I love game, but it was only ever a 'once or twice a week when in season' at most.

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My youngest son said to me recently "We eat venison like normal people eat beef"!

I do enjoy all meat especially pork but with access to as much game as I can take and also culling deer through the season I end up with a full freezer by Jan.I always try to get it empty by the time the season comes round again so we end up eating a fair amount.

My wife gives me a hard time as when we have folk round I generally cook venison.Our visitors love it as it is a treat for them but my wife says I will be getting a name for myself by only putting something I have killed on the visitors plates everytime someone comes round.

These are the same folk who would always have venison in a restaurant so I don't have any qualms about serving it at home.

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