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I used these to polish chokes after boring as well as polishing chambers . 

I would not have liked to  or attempted to use them for much else ,dependent on the stone grit they will be quite effective but need a lot of lubricant and frequent cleaning and time ,as the cutting rate is very slow .

If you want to polish bores then I suggest a rod with split end and  abrasive cloth wrapped round the end padded with foam , diven with a slow speed drill [200/300rpm ]             I used this method ,although driven on a honing machine , for polishing out after blacking , removing leading as well as taking of minor surface marks ,going down the grades from 220 to 600 . For old and rusted barrels may be a 100/ 120 to clean the **** out prior to any attempt to bore . 

As a by the by , in my younger days in the Birmingham gun trade some of the old timers used this method of polishing but used tow , grit and grease driven with a hand brace! .

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