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fx wildcat fac help


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 I have an fac wildcat mk3 and have just fitted a slug liner and a power tuning kit, the strange thing is that now when I turn the power adjuster wheel from 1 to 7 at each stage the power decreases instead of increases so 1 is faster velocity and 7 is slower. Can anybody tell me what I've done wrong?

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There is a very delicate balance between hammer spring (your adjuster .) Plenum volume, reg pressure .transfer Port  and valve spring tension .

You have basically dropped new bits in and messed it all up .the gun will need retuning to find the best balance for the new parts  some of your old parts (transfer port .valve spring etc ) may not work with your new bits .

You have entered the very very murky world of pcp tuning .where most things don't make sense and settings are hard to repeat / get consistent / do what you want them to do .

I've watched a friend do this for years spend a small fortune and get totally frustrated with guns . 

I prefer to keep something that works un touched .

Best of luck .

I can't help beyond that unfortunately  As its a rabbit hole I've purposely  not gone down .

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