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About Ultrastu

  • Birthday 04/03/1973

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  • Interests
    Shooting airgun hunting and competing
    Pigeon decoying

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  1. Why is that oowee ? There seems to be plenty of birds about this year, round our way . Despite my best efforts for the farmer .
  2. A hushpower gun my well reopen that door and others too .Good shooting I had a measly 6 birds for a couple of hours in the rain the other day but I only fired 8 shots so was pleased with my score .that was with a .410 hushpower .all birds were stone dead and my dog retrieved really well . mustn't grumble .
  3. Draw a rainbow on your front door .that way if anyone breaks in its not a burglary but a hate crime and the cops will be out before the crims have left your gaff.
  4. Yeah I used to use one on my mossy 20b hushpower .worked well . I eventually took it off as there were battery and zeroing issues with the cheap one I had on gun .
  5. They are hitting the winter wheat this week round my way .every field I know of in the area has birds dropping in .at 7.30 - 9 am and around 3 - 6 pm
  6. As a recommendation. A cp2 is hard to beat . Cheap .light .short .easy to cock. Easy trigger .just replace the co2 capsule remove when finished. Turn it into a pistol ,add a scope, slip on the silencer, fit a shorter barrel, loads of in box options If its for garden plinking get a 177 and use cheap flat head pellets .they will be safer than a .22 at these low speeds .
  7. Are you looking for recommendations or a sale ?
  8. Yeah probably pretty poor accuracy at distance. That was my experience at least. King's for me are far better and only 5 grns more .
  9. Not really .as its the main carpark and route up to England's tallest mountain very close to the campsite .
  10. Wastwater head camp site in the lakes . Fabulous pub 10 minute walk in one of the most remote corners of the lake district
  11. Yeah but that was so you could hunt dinosaurs with your dad wasn't it? .a bit different back in your day eh.
  12. Ratworks Phil crampton is good .
  13. Hi and welcome .sounds a lot like the oring around the valve stem has split . You can see the hammer pin under the magazine - hit the end of the valve stem when you fire (without the magazine in the gun .) There is an oring u can't see around this stem set into the brass firing valve housing. To replace it your going to need to remove the whole valve and use circlip pliers to remove it . These orings don't fail often but can do . I'd order a full o ring kit from Chambers.and replace as many as you can while the gun is apart . Cheers
  14. Wow just watched that footage .that copper should be arrested .I would have called the police on him right then. Disgraceful .
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