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.17HMR advice


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Right Gents, I need your advice on the purchase of a .17HMR rifle, scope, rings, moderator and ammunition.


The thing to bare in mind with this lot is that it has to get "under the radar" of Mrs P. so it can't be too expensive :good:


Through trawling through other posts and magazines, I've plumped for a CZ of some description for about £300 . The thing I'm stumped on is what sort of scope and rings to get? I'm thinking in the region of £150 -200 for the both


I'm very tempted to try and get them from America as they seem to be cheaper over there and the exchange rate works in our favour at the mo.


The other thing is the mod and ammunition - any ideas?


As said before, I do have to work to a budget, so there's no point saying go for the most expensive thing or save up etc etc.


(I've already sorted out a new cabinet and will be picking it up and fitting it tomorrow whilst Mrs P. is in Devon at her Ma's. She'll never know the difference :lol: . All rifles look the same to her, so I'll just pretend the new one is the Sako :good: ).


Every opinion welcomed chaps.



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You can pick a varmint version up for around £265 if you shop around ,sportsmatch mounts £25,SAK moderator £30 and as for a scope


Simmons whitetail classic off evil bay £89 + PP

According to my maths you should have quite a bit of change out of £500




If buying from USA check to see if the product will flag up import duty first (£35 ish) The supplier might know a legal way around this :good:

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(I've already sorted out a new cabinet and will be picking it up and fitting it tomorrow whilst Mrs P. is in Devon at her Ma's. She'll never know the difference :good: . All rifles look the same to her, so I'll just pretend the new one is the Sako :good: ).


Pedro - I hope that Mrs P is not so eagle eyed as Mrs Silver_Fox who can somehow spot anything new in the house no matter where I hide it.

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Nope, fingers and toes all crossed and she wouldn't know a .22 from a .17 if it bit her on the ****.


The only problem may come is if she has to go into my side of the cupboard and discovers that the gun cabinet is "slightly" taller than it used to be. On the plus side - she does'nt really know that side of the cupboard anyway.



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Nope, fingers and toes all crossed and she wouldn't know a .22 from a .17 if it bit her on the ****.


The only problem may come is if she has to go into my side of the cupboard and discovers that the gun cabinet is "slightly" taller than it used to be. On the plus side - she does'nt really know that side of the cupboard anyway.





I wouldn't put money on it :good: My missus really doesn't take any interest in my guns as she positively dislikes them being in the house but as to what a woman doesn't notice, you are severely dilusioned my friend :good:

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