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Thumbhole stock for a Savage .17HMR


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I've got a Savage 93R17-GLV .17HMR, comes with nice plain wood stock and 21 inch heavy varmint barrel. It's my second Savage and I think they're great guns - workmanlike but accurate, with a reasonable price. :good:


However I have a problem (well actually I've got loads) :stupid: ; I'm left handed and although Savage make left handed guns, they don't give you a choice of stocks.


I would like to get a left handed thumb holed stock in wood, and ideally vented as well.


Can anyone help me find a source or know where I can get one made up?


Whilst I'm posting has anyone else got a .17 Savage that they have found an easy way to fit the mags. I know mine is still new but it's a bit of fiddle to load into the rifle, or maybe I haven't got the magic technique yet.

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be warned, several members have had bad experiances ordering these types of stock from either this or other companies, i used elkridge, it took 9 months and apparently was lost in the post 1x as well. I also got done for import duty, never the less i love the finaished stock and it was well inletted, it also only cost £150 with some nice wood on it.


Stuart P has had one of his stocks damaged in transit, and others i know of have had issues.


Boyds, Microfit and elkridge all companies in the states that offer nearly identicle services.

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