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P G Field Waxed Cotton Stockman’s Coat (like Barbour Belstaff  Driza Bone) Brown XXL - SOLD


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P G Field Waxed Cotton Stockman’s Coat (like Barbour Belstaff  Driza Bone) Brown XXL


P G Field is a well known supplier synonymous with high quality garments but this jacket really is a heavyweight built to last - it’s probably twice the actual weight of the replacement I’ve just bought 


I bought this coat about 10 years ago and every winter I get it out then when I wear it I realise it doesn’t fit me so it stays on the coat hook for winter and gets put away in spring and then we go through the whole process again next year.


Consequently it does have some tell tales when it’s been rubbed in and out of the cupboard but if it’s been worn for more than 10 hours in total I’d be surprised, as is evident from the lack of wear on the collar. It still has the new wax smell about it.


XXL size but I’d say it’s a medium height fit as I am a 6ft2in tall the arms come up a but shorter on me and I literally can’t wear it because it’s got elasticised woollen cuffs that ride up my long arms and that drives me nuts


Plenty of chest room to spare I’m probably a 46-48” and it’s got space spare 

Length wise it nearly comes down to my knees 


So if you’re a chunky unit of a more normal height under 6ft and don’t have gorilla arms it would probably be a good fit 


Features a very heavy waxed cotton fabric and full length lining 


Inside zipper pocket (slightly torn see photo)


Cargo style square pockets that will easily take a couple of boxes of cartridges and chest 45 degree hand warmer pockets 


Leg straps and (removable) shoulder cape

There might also be a detachable hood but I’ll have to check 


If I remember it was about £200 but I’m asking £35 inc postage 

That’s got to be an absolute steal as it’s nearly new

Or Collect Near Hitchin £30




Zipper pocket 





Edited by Downforce
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