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Help please - Investarm 28g parts


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Hello all, after some help please, recently bid at holts auctions and won an investarm 28g o/u for the lad. 

Took out yesterday, bottom barrel fires probably 70% of the time (indentation on primer when doesn’t fire). Top barrel doesn’t fire at all, although trigger does pull. 
Disassembled it today and found the top firing pin is broken so that explains the top barrel not firing.

Bottom firing pin looks ok to me, but the hammer looks like it has an indentation, could this be causing the weak strike?

Had a look online but for the life of me i cannot find spare parts for this gun, my plan is to replace upper firing pin and the lower hammer.

Any advice of where to find these parts or any other ideas of what it could be?

Don’t want to spend a fortune as i’m sure the lad will soon out grow this one but a shame to scrap it.


ps, sorry if any terminology is wrong i am self teaching with the aid of youtube. 



Edited by westmids1987
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3 hours ago, Gunman said:

Gunsmiths make firing pins every week so what's the problem ?If the hammer is " indented a new pin can be easily made to compensate for any wear .

Problem is that i’m trying to keep costs to a minimum so trying to fix it myself (if I can source the parts) rather than paying for a gunsmith (don’t know how much they’ll charge but figured it won’t be cheap)

Edited by westmids1987
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