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Home Office consultation on controls on crossbows and broadhead arrows.


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So there you are! All these sound moderators come off licence and, maybe, crossbows go onto a licence and if so does the cost of administering that then get loaded on to local police firearms departments and who then pays?

Controls on crossbows

Call for information and evidence about whether we should introduce licensing of crossbows on public safety grounds.
www.gov.uk www.gov.uk

If people do respond then I hope they make it clear that the cost of this, if loaded onto the remit of police firearms licensing departments, be not used as an excuse to increase the fees for Firearm and Shotgun Certificates!

This is what I wrote regarding controls. Yes I would want them but ONLY as below and that other than as below I would not want to see any other controls.

The controls should be no more than those that apply in England and Wales in respect of the controls on air weapons. That is that any person who has been sentenced to between three months and three years in prison is automatically prohibited from possessing crossbows and etc. for five years from release. A person who has been sentenced to more than three years is prohibited for life.

And then I just cut an pasted the same above in the "Other" box on the immediately following question about what controls I'd like to see and the "More details" box.

I said that there should be no controls on broadhead arrows.

The survey then asks if you would apply for a licence for a crossbow.

I said "No" but then in the question immediately following about "Do you use a crossbow" wrote this.

I do not own or use a crossbow and would not want to. However I do not think a permit scheme or licence should be introduced as the police have enough work to do.

And finally in "Any other comments" wrote this:

I do not own or use a crossbow and would not want to. However I do not think a permit scheme or licence should be introduced as the police have enough work to do. I would certainly not want the burden of such be loaded onto already overworked police firearms licencing departments and their budgets and that cost then be used as a reason to increase the fees charged for Shotgun or Firearm Certificates being issued by that same firearms licensing department.

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I think they should probably go down the route of the realistic replica airsoft for members of affiliated clubs and the such - this seems to work as far as I am led to believe. 

I should imagine there will be thousands of crossbows from the mail order days in the 80s and you can’t control what you have no way of collating. 
it is a worry when you see them on the market stalls of holiday destinations mind. 

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