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Hello everyone, my name is Joshua, born in West Wales. Iv not long moved to Northern Ireland, Belfast and I'm currently in the process to transferring my shotgun certificate and guns over. Didn't realise there were only Firearms Certificates over here but the ball is rolling and the process has begun. 

Just inquiring on here if anyone has any info or could lend a helping hand. I'm a keen clay shooter and spent most winters in west Wales helping and beating on the local pheasant shoot, pest control, rough shooting, woodcock shooting, wild fowling and ferreting as well as doing a lot of fox control during the summer months (Used to have a .223 Tikka). Im looking to do my DSC 1 and get into a bit of deer stalking and head over to Scotland for the stalking months ( I see stalking here in NI is a bit thin but not as thin as Ceredigion) 

I would be grateful for anyone with some recommendations to clay grounds or if anyone would like a shooting partner or even if you know of a shoot than needs a beater for the winter I'm available and willing to help out. 

I look forward to chatting with anyone who can help

Kind Regards

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Hi Joshua,

If your based in Belfast Hollow Farm will probably be the closest grounds to you. My personal favourite is Foymore lodge in Dungannon, roughly 30-40 mins down the M1.

There is a charity clay shoot happening this coming sat at Hollow Field Clay Target Club near Colraine, ive never been but im told its a good spot. If you can make it im sure it would be a good opportunity to meet some fellow shooters.



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On 22/04/2024 at 12:03, C.J.R said:

Hi Joshua,

If your based in Belfast Hollow Farm will probably be the closest grounds to you. My personal favourite is Foymore lodge in Dungannon, roughly 30-40 mins down the M1.

There is a charity clay shoot happening this coming sat at Hollow Field Clay Target Club near Colraine, ive never been but im told its a good spot. If you can make it im sure it would be a good opportunity to meet some fellow shooters.



Hi  C.J.R 

Thank you for your reply, I’ll have a look at these and drop them a message or make a phone call. 

Im still waiting for PSNI to process my application so I can get my guns sent over but im not sure of the time frame. As soon as I get it il be heading to the clay grounds 👍🏻

Thaaks once again for the recommendations ☺️

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