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Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare XBOX 360


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I bought Call Of Duty 4 last night when I got out of work, got home at about 11.00pm and played it solid for a good eight hours. Amazing game, I think I'm on the seventh level just now, the one after the 'sniper level' As yet I have no hints or tips but if I find any good ones I'll post them here for anyone else thats just bought this masterpiece of gaming!

Roll on sleepless nights and severe 'hand cramps'!

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I bought Call Of Duty 4 last night when I got out of work, got home at about 11.00pm and played it solid for a good eight hours. Amazing game, I think I'm on the seventh level just now, the one after the 'sniper level' As yet I have no hints or tips but if I find any good ones I'll post them here for anyone else thats just bought this masterpiece of gaming!

Roll on sleepless nights and severe 'hand cramps'!


Are you playing it on normal skill lvl?. if so pls tell me how to do the sniper lvl ( All ghilied up) before i break stuff.

was loving it upto that point. i get under the truck and they keep spotting me, and as for the that monkey captain thats with you arrggghhh.


The mission where your in the plane death from above i think, is spot on.

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Think I might have to pop down to currys to get this, was going to put it on my xmas list but I'm sure the missus won't mind :rolleyes: Loved the 2 player game on call of duty 3 until my 9 year old lad started embarrassing me :drinks:


Was thinking that myself, trying to put off geeting it, but might not be able to!

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Blowfelt, I'm on the normal setting just now, I stupidly stayed up all last night to complete it but I did manage so I'm quite chuffed! Theres a bonus level after the credits to so don't switch off your console. Right the sniper level, I think the bit you mean about the trucks is the first time you come in to contact with moving vehicles apart from the tank in the field. Just after the shootout around the storage containers. What you have to do is, when your 'guide' drops to the ground and starts crawling along the ground follow him straight away, you have to keep yourself wedged right up his *** so you don't get spotted. If you fall behind or crawl to the side your pretty much done for. He'll pause at the last truck that moves to the end of the convoy then on his mark run with him and stay right on him again. You'll stop at another storage container where you have to take out a sniper, I'd advise laying down to take the shot and make sure you hit him cause if you miss he'll alert everyone else to your position. After that you have to take out one of the main terrorists with the .50 cal, wind direction is a factor here but as long as you use the first milidot from the crosshair your fine.

**** hits the fan and you need to take out a chopper but it's easy with the .50 after that you rope down the building and get to this really ******* hard bit. I'll say no more just now, theres a really easy way of doing it but it took me a while to see what was right in front of me.

Post again if you get stuck.

Cheers, Craig.

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DAMN!!!... I've just completed it :oops::oops::oops::oops:


Brilliant game... the best yet :huh:

I've completed mine to, if you can be ****d try completing on 'Arcade Mode' you do all the missions the same but your timed. I've only just managed to do it and it was seriously breaking my balls! That was only on regular to. I'm glad I've done it now though, it means I can leave the house again, maybe even do a spot of hunting!

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DAMN!!!... I've just completed it ??? :look: :lol::lol:


Brilliant game... the best yet :/

I've completed mine to, if you can be ****d try completing on 'Arcade Mode' you do all the missions the same but your timed. I've only just managed to do it and it was seriously breaking my balls! That was only on regular to. I'm glad I've done it now though, it means I can leave the house again, maybe even do a spot of hunting!


well aleast until friday when asassins creed is out :good:

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I bought Call Of Duty 4 last night when I got out of work, got home at about 11.00pm and played it solid for a good eight hours. Amazing game, I think I'm on the seventh level just now, the one after the 'sniper level' As yet I have no hints or tips but if I find any good ones I'll post them here for anyone else thats just bought this masterpiece of gaming!

Roll on sleepless nights and severe 'hand cramps'!


I think to many people these days are spending to much time on computer games. They should go out and start living.


I am the dustyfox

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Finally gave into temptation, popped into town at lunch, none left in Currys and Comet, luckily Sainsburys came up trumps, what a cracking game, graphics are fantastic,amazing how my 9 year old lad and his mates just take it for granted, all I had was a bloody ZX81 at his age! As for spending too much time on computer games? Peeing down outside, **** on the telly, so what's the problem?

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Finally gave into temptation, popped into town at lunch, none left in Currys and Comet, luckily Sainsburys came up trumps, what a cracking game, graphics are fantastic,amazing how my 9 year old lad and his mates just take it for granted, all I had was a bloody ZX81 at his age! As for spending too much time on computer games? Peeing down outside, **** on the telly, so what's the problem?

That would be my point of view to but the weather here has been quite good of late, I did go out and shoot some bunnies and pigeons today though so I got out my flat for a wee bit at least.

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