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MP detention claim queried

jonno 357

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This guy kicked off in Dulles airport Washington.


Claimed he was detained for 40 minutes? Security video tapes showed he was detained for 8 minutes


Claimed he was picked out because he was a Muslim


He kicked off after he was stopped by US airport officials searching for explosives


Malik said he was "deeply disappointed" at being held while his bags were analysed at Dulles airport



AVI told the Times: "He has done a dis-service to his country. It is a disgrace at a time when security is of the utmost importance and the airport staff are under immense pressure"


This is the guy who is the most expensive MP in the whole of the UK. He spent £21, 266 just on stamps last year



He is involved in a libel with a newspaper. Case starts tomorrow in London, estimated costs are £400K





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I was sitting almost next to John Gummer MP on a flight back from the US about 5 years ago.

All through the flight he was playing the, "don't you know who I am" game (did you know he is about 4ft-6inches tall ?).

Being in Club, we were let off first, but he insisted in being front of the queue as he was in a hurry.

He almost ran up the corridor , which was very funny, as he was still waiting at the luggage carousel when we got there.


Our luggage came before Gummers, but we were just about to show our passports to the Immigration Officers, when Gummer came bustling up, jumped the queue, waved his passport at the chap in the box and walked off.

The Immigration Officer called after him and a policeman made him come back, Gummer was almost frothing at the mouth, ranting "don't you recognise me?" and the Immigration Officer said, "No, wait there".

When we went through Gummer was still there ranting and raving about how he was going to report everybody etc. etc.

What made it worse was that most people were laughing out loud at him.


Quite a lot of these "public servants" I have met have very inflated ideas about their importance.

I think it goes with the job.

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