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scrim net woes


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cold and windy today and snow showers

I was flightlining pigeons and wearing a scrimnet over face as i sometimes do to cover face, missed 18 shots at pigeons....over 90mins

moved to another spot and decided to remove the net off face, and immediately noticed I was getting the gun mounted better and did test with and without the net, the net obviously move the stock away from my cheek by 1-2mm and was enough so that i wasnt looking down the bead straight and shooting to left


after removing the net I downed 6 pigeons with 20 carts in 30mins...

lesson learnt!

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Not being funny but i cant see 1-2 mm making a hell of alot of difference,you still managed to miss another 14 shots with it off.My guess is that if they were moving fast with the wind, you were shooting behind them.I shoot with and without a facenet and it doesnt make any difference to my shooting at all. :lol:



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The face net may have been distracting you, rather than moving the stock away from your face.

Try one of the very light face masks made from gauze, rather than scrim net.

Thats what I use and you forget you are wearing it.



maybe - the net was doubled over, and I checked in mirror when i got home and could see the difference in point of aim, and line of bead comapored to my eye with and without the net, i just didnt seem to pull stock into my cheek properly with the net - maybe the feel of it or something distracting

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