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bb is quite right fish...


There is nothing at all wrong with the Weirauch spring in fact probably superior to the Ox ...


If you want to replace it, replace it with a new one of the same, and take the time to tune the gun with a tuning kit while you have it stripped down.


I have fitted several Ox springs over the years and cant say I have noticed any appreciable difference.


If it aint broke dont fix it!



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i ve got a hw97k with an ox accelorator and before that had a 77k with an ox accelorator. the difference is fantastic so i dont know wot u 2 r on about. it makes it a solid gun when firing no spring twang. seems to be more consistant. they r made from square section metal thus prolonging the life of the spring its also worth replacing your spring guides with new poly ones at the same time. this does take the gun over 12 ft.lbs but a good gun smith will de tune the spring for you. its an easy job to do yourself taking all of about 2o minutes and its the first thing i done when i bought my 97k brand new. the standard springs r good as its a weirauch but i preffer the ox one. well worth the job...... :(

let me know how you get on.....

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OK LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT.... you purchased a brand spanking new HW97 ( one of the finest spring guns you can get).....and putting a fuffing ox in it?:(??


ARE YOU MAD?:huh:?


the best thing you can spend your money on if you want to sort out a brand new HW (any bar theHW90) is send it to venom and get it lazaglided. costs a little but well worth the time and money! a well tuned rifle will out shoot you every time :D


if you cant hit it with 12F/lbs you aint going to hit it with 20!!!!!!


its all in the field craft and not in the rifle


all the best


ROB :(

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I have never been a big fan of Ox springs, i've tried allsorts and they allways seem a bit harsh to me, fit a good quality round section spring that is designed for your gun and you will not go far wrong. If its good enough for Gerald Cardew, its good enough for me ;-)

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its not about power at all its just a more solid shot. you couldnt tell or teach me any thing about field craft im an ex royal marine and served in 42 comando.

its just that standard springs have no character at all. and my rifle is now up for sale due to a new baby on its way, one of the crying and poohing sort...

like i said before a good gun smith can detune the spring so how can u say it doesnt matter if its 20 ft.lbs, wot makes u think mine is.

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sorry dan i meant no ofence to you, but the majority who use ox springs, use them to increase power.


a chap who shoots a air arms TX200MK1 at my club has owned it since new in 1990 and has never needed to do any maintenance on it and he shoots it regular, we cronoed it the other day and was 11.75F/lbs and consistant to with in 5fps! and that 14 years old!


but i shall say it again sorry dan no offence meant to you :(


all the best


ROB :huh:

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this does take the gun over 12 ft.lbs but a good gun smith will de tune the spring for you. its an easy job to do yourself taking all of about 2o minutes and its the first thing i done when i bought my 97k brand new.



Cant say I agree with you on this Dan mate. One of the guns I fitted an OX to was a 97K and it was better before so it came straight out again.


I cant see the point in buying a spanking new gun and taking out a perfectly good mainspring ( Probably the best in the world in the Weirauch guns) replacing it with a new spring and having it detuned! By doing this the spring you have installed is never going to work with maximum efficiency. The square section thing is a gimmick. Circular cross sectional area springs are always going to be more efficient and that is a fact of physical science. I must be honest I still sufferd spring twank when I used an Ox which was only removed by replacing the guides and this seemed a pointless and unnecessary exercise.


I am sure if Weirauch could improve the performance and reliability of their guns (and thus increase sales in doing so) by fitting a square sectioned mainspring they would be doing it as standard.


So you are a Bickleigh boy then Dan.., Did you see action in the Falklands with Lt. Col Vaux?

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Demodan, and did he teach you how to spell commando? :(


The square Ox spring feels solid because as Mike points out it is less efficient than a circular cross section, and so it takes more effort to cock it for a given retained energy. The only way to "de-tune" it would be to chop a chunk off, supposing it ever went over the limit anyway.


I'm a metallurgist and used to go to Aston Tech, Matthew Boulton and Sir John Cass.


Fishandshoot, the only effect of fitting an ox would be to make a good gun worse and put a small hole in your pocket. Dinnae bother Bonnie Lad.




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Get rid of the spring guns and get a theoben rapid 7 :thumbs: :lol:


i have had about every gun going and the theoben is the best i have used

Welcome to the Forum Cooky and full marks for filling in your profile, many new members dont bother.


I agree with you to some extent on the Rapid 7 I used one for a couple of weeks and it was difficult to put down, but the Logun Axor just shades it for me....


I notice we share the same surname (assuming cook is your name and not your profession) and also a love of Fly Fishing ( The greatest sport of all)


Is that you in the photo? I am really good looking!!! :( :huh::D


Thats something we dont have in common. :( :lol::lol: :thumbs:



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