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My latest book is now available. 

A new book on pigeon and corvid control. Chapters on stubble shooting, drilled crops, flighting, corvid control, sport abroad, gaining permission to shoot, and much more

Message me for details on availability

Price £25.00 postage paid

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Edited by Ajarrett
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Hello, in any Book on Pigeon Shooting there is always something to learn right back to when i bought one by Archie Coats, Now we have lots more new type kit which many people use including myself but we can still follow the basic rules that Archie gave us so maybe your new book will help  Pigeon shooters starting out or even a seasoned Pigeon shooter that finds a situation out in the Field where your book might show how to solve the problem, But saying all this i always found no 2 days are the same, Good luck with your new Book

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