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Ian Smith passes away, aged 88


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On this day I am sadly bound to report: Ian Douglas Smith; former Prime Minister of Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) has passed away aged 88 in South Africa.


Regardless of what people may think of his actions: We must commend the fact that he always stood up to Mugabe. Even in his old age and at risk to his own life; he remained defiant of tyranny.


He kept the Ndebele people safe from Mugabe for 15 years during UDI. After Mugabe came to power in 1980; he commited genocide and had his North Korean trained 5 Brigade butcher over 20,000 innocent Ndebele merely for supporting an oposition political party.


My avatar has been for the longest time the old Mutare crest: "Be Just and Fear Not" is the motto it bears. Smith was just and defied the forces of Communism fearing not the consequences. Sometimes you just have to fight for what is right no matter the odds.


The West kept quiet about it; not wanting to disrupt Mugabe's invented "hero" status. Smith wasn't so silent and has always campaigned to bring Mugabe to book over the Ndebele genocide.




God bless Ian Smith: decorated RAF war hero, voice of concience and a Rebel to the bitter end.

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He bought the people 15 years of protection from Mugabe; who went on to commit genocide of 20,000 people the west hushed up. He supported gradual transition of majority rule to ensure a stable future for all Africans black and white.


People seem to forget that prior to Mugabe; Rhodesia's last democratically elected prime minister was black. The seperate voter's roll was a British govt insistance in the 50's when the unpopular federation was formed. Before that; everyone voted on the same roll. Everyone had the vote, the constitution had given every civilised person civil rights since 1924. This was anything but apartheidist South Africa.


The truth is simply that the majority of Africans would not register to vote as they didn't see the need. They were happy with their Chief system that liased with the Government on a regular basis. It was the ultimate hatred of the communists who used fear and intimidation to get what they wanted. They murdered just as many innocent black civillians as goverment troops. Possibly more.


Given hindsight with what is going on in Zimbabwe now. I think Ian Smith can be fully vindicated and held up as a hero for standing against those who would supress freedom and rule with a fist of iron. The cost of Mugabe has resulted in the suffering of millions.



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