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Sporting shooter 12 gun giveaway


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FM on the ball as normal :oops:


This reminds me I should get some new shooting mags, my ones are a little out dated now :lol:

Doe BASC still send them out free withthe membership? I will get signed up with BASC this summer when I begin deer stalking.

You still get Shooting and Conservation mag with the BASC membership. :good:


FM :)


Thats the one! cheers FM


Was signed up with BASC in my early airgun days. Then I had a long break from shooting, followed by finding this forum and having a quick go on airguns again, before taking the firearms plunge.

I think when I have more permisions I can justify the need for having BASC cover for 'just in case :oops: '

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Cheers! Should have noticed it there before!!


Martin i never win anything unless im against SS :oops::good:


:oops: what because of Highlodge the other day, nice to see those lessons you had there a few days earlier paid off and got you used to the targets :):lol:


Need lessons with the .410 me thinks :lol::lol: Speaking of which did you manage to pick one up at Simpsons???



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Cheers! Should have noticed it there before!!


Martin i never win anything unless im against SS :oops::good:


:oops: what because of Highlodge the other day, nice to see those lessons you had there a few days earlier paid off and got you used to the targets :):lol:


Need lessons with the .410 me thinks :lol::lol: Speaking of which did you manage to pick one up at Simpsons???




Another good lesson to learn........ Hitch a lift with someone who has a nagging wife. Then you dodge the round of coffee's

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:/ what because of Highlodge the other day, nice to see those lessons you had there a few days earlier paid off and got you used to the targets :lol::lol:


Need lessons with the .410 me thinks :/:lol: Speaking of which did you manage to pick one up at Simpsons???




They had a few 410's in the shop all around £125 mark but nothing that i was really looking for! Not as easy to find as i thought either.

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