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beretta autos


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well guys i went to a sporting shoot on new years day.there were only about 30 guns there as it was only a small club and im sure there wer better venues to be at that day with bigger prizes on offer. i had an invite from a mate thats why i went.well i always hear about the beretta 30 series .well what can i say,if you did nt own one that day you were the odd man out.everybody had one,im not joking i had my super x2 there and apart from a couple of o/us the rest were 301,302,303 autos.there was nt even a 391 which i was quite surprised at.i never witnessed any jams during the shoot so when i came home and thought about the shoot i marvelled at the number of blokes which still shoot the older generation berettas.obviously they have to be a strong if not the strongest contender when buying a second hand auto. :good:

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Got a mint 302 from arjimlad from the forum a fair while ago now as my daughters clay gun. It has had the thick end of 6000 clay shells through it and is such a nice shooter that I occasionally press it into service for pigeon and crows. Not one jam (though it is kept clean!) and the barrel never picks up any leading/ streaks. It has the collar type choke system and can be shot without a choke in. My brother has the same gun in France and it shoots slugs for boar with great effect. Made to a plan rather than a price!. :good:

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