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Sussex Lad as My Guest


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I had the pleasure of Brian’s company on my shoot today where he joined me as my guest. The birds did not play ball and the bag was not as many as I had hoped but I think Brian enjoyed himself though he admitted he was pretty nervous to start the day as it was the first time on a pheasant shoot.


First couple of drives did not produce much but on the third drive a nice hen bird got up and presented itself to Brian just of his left shoulder one shot and the bird folded neatly in the air and thumped down behind us, very nice shot and a great way to start on driven birds. Brian had a nice grin on his face!


He then went on to get the shot of the day as acknowledged by all who saw it, which was most of the guns and beaters plus keeper. We had moved onto the lagoon for a duck drive and they lifted of the far pond and came over and he dropped a nice bird that came down stone dead on the far side of the lagoon, first barrel again, a couple more duck fell to some nice shooting from and then he took on a high drake, and I do mean high. Shooting almost directly over head and it folded nicely and clean again and seemed to take an age as it dropped to the ground.


Last drive and walking back gun and a few more shots for Brian and a nice hen in the bag again, nice snap shooting through the woods.


Brian, as I said well done and great shooting. Very pleased you came and you acquitted yourself very well indeed. Safe and accurate shooting. Sorry the birds did not play ball but I am glad we gave you a taste of driven game shooting and any time you want to come along again just shout, it was a pleasure as always to have your company.


Just a few pics of the day, I did not take that many as I was enjoying the company so much:


Waiting for the drive to start:






On the duck, dropping some nice birds all around:







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Looks/sounds good mate :lol: Might just be the photo, but that is that 'on the duck' not a little close to the road beyond? :lol:


No worries Oly, that is a farm track not a road, plenty of space around there so nice and safe.



(Track that is often frequented by young couples in the summer........ :lol: )

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Firstly i have to say a truly massive thank you to Jerry for taking me as his guest for the day :lol:

As Jerry said it was my first day shooting on a "formal" pheasant shoot, so to say i was nervous would have been an understatement :lol: .

Unfortunatly the birds didn't want play ball, but i still managed to bag a few :lol:

I didn't manage to many pic's either but as Jerry kindly put up some rather flattering pics up of me, so i'll return the favor :lol:


This is Jerry waiting patiently for birds that never came :lol:


Once again thank you Jerry for the fantastic day and great company :lol:


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