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Syndicate shoots

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anywhere between £200 and £20,000 depends what you want.


I am in a farmers syndicate we do all the work, we dont pay for land or feed but only buy birds. at the other end you can be standing at a peg shooting 300-500 birds a day.

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how do you go about trying to find one to join?


Sometimes syndicates will advertise in publications like the Shooting Times if they have places to fill, but much of the time it's word of mouth, especially with the smaller syndicates. In our small 10 gun syndicate the last vacancy was filled by a guy who had been coming along beating for us for a while and had shown an interest in joining. In fact beating for a local shoot is a great way to find out about other shoots because they all know people who know other people etc...


If you don't know of a local game shoot try asking around at local clay shoots, or the local gun shop and they should be able to point you in the right direction. It can be a little daunting trying to get into the 'inner circle' if you have no one to introduce you in the first place, but nothing venture nothing gained!


In my experience most of the smaller syndicates are run by like minded, friendly people and, speaking for us at least, we always help newcomers any way we can. Apart from anything else, getting people involved in shooting is vital for the future of the sport and keeping the local community on side. We have some of the local 'doggy people' (who aren't really into shooting but are into working their dogs) come along to retrieve, and they in turn know the 'horsey people' and keep them sweet about bangs coming from near their bridleways etc.


So basically sniff out some local contacts and don't be afraid to ask! :blush:

Edited by alexm
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