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TV sizes


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stuart, its not the 1080p one, but dont worry, like i say, not the be all and end all of a good tv, i actually had planned to get this tv myself, however they never came into stock durring the currys sale, and im quite happy with the 32" panasonic, albeit its an LCD.


Stunning tv's the blacks will knock the socks off any LCD, like i say, get a good HD source and enjoy where most your money has gone.

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We bought a samsung 50" 1080p hdmi plasma telly plus a samsung hdmi home cinema system and i must say i agree with Pin in that some channels the quality isnt good, although films look and sound awesome! Even some of the older non remastered ones ive got look really good. We are moving soon and im definatley considering mounting it on the wall at our new gaff.

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We bought a samsung 50" 1080p hdmi plasma telly plus a samsung hdmi home cinema system and i must say i agree with Pin in that some channels the quality isnt good, although films look and sound awesome! Even some of the older non remastered ones ive got look really good. We are moving soon and im definatley considering mounting it on the wall at our new gaff.


thats one of the issues with samsung im affraid, their freeview foxes tend to pixilate (spelt wrong) things more than some of the competition. Which model is it, i wasnt aware of samsung making a 50" 1080p plasma? 52" LCD?

Edited by dunganick
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The issue with that TV notwithstanding (never seen one, sounds a good TV though) the problem is one of the resolution of the source material on offer.


Sky via RGB scart manages 576i. Freeview manages the same. This simply isn't enough resolution for a TV of that size. When you increase the size of the things that make the dots you make the same source look worse.


Same source on a 32" CRT looks really good because of the smaller building blocks used as well as the fact that CRT's bleed colour which tends to blend the image and make it look less useless.

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The issue with that TV notwithstanding (never seen one, sounds a good TV though) the problem is one of the resolution of the source material on offer.


Sky via RGB scart manages 576i. Freeview manages the same. This simply isn't enough resolution for a TV of that size. When you increase the size of the things that make the dots you make the same source look worse.


Same source on a 32" CRT looks really good because of the smaller building blocks used as well as the fact that CRT's bleed colour which tends to blend the image and make it look less useless.


also the reason plasma tends to be more forgiving than LCD, which tends to put a sharp edge on things. However equally the freeview boxes and the way they decode does effect the percieved quality of the picture. Hense samsung are known to have an issue with theirs over sharpening pictures.


This march we should see the first 2 HD freeview channels coming in, for those with an HD freeview reciever.


However as said by pin, big tv's particually lcd which is prone to pixel seperation on HD ready sets, tend to get shown up by their CRT counterparts.

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Yep, but putting a CRT of that size (if you could get one) would mean reinforcing the wall ;)


If you think that's bad though, you wanna see what the projector makes of normal "SD" sky @ 132" "OUCH" :oops:

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;) get some decent HD, blueray, 1080p, nice....


what projector do you use?


I have Sky HD, a PS3 with blu-ray and a Pioneer BDP-HD1 player. (Edit, Sanyo PVD-S5 projector)


Looks nice :oops: Any time your over this way mate drop in for a movie!

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smart ****, im saving for the ps3, waiting for the 80g to come out.


Such is life, unfortunatly cant quite strech to the full av setup, much as i would love a surround amp and set of b+o's. Got to put a new clutch in the car, and a new set of tires at some point, and i want a new lense for the camera.


oh and i still need a new gun. I always need a new gun ;)

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