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i have not been on line for a few days. got on today. oh dear me,all i see is a forum at war. look guys,this is what it is.good banter,sometimes contrerversiol,sometimes abusive,sometimes bad language.who sorts it. the mods. now before you all say ime a mod fan,i am not,i left pw for 10 months because of pm from an active moderator.all ime saying you have to have guidelines to go by. we are all on here because of a common interest.from what ime reading here we all need to take a step back,and get back to what this forum was meant to be :blush:

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I was very concerned, and felt that the forum was heading for implosion due to the Outlaw situation. I have tried my best to get to the truth behind it all, but fear that some of the more salient facts are not being made available. I therefore did note vote in the poll to support Outlaw, not that I think that it would have saved his bacon.


I have been a member of this forum for almost 5 years, I have seen several members banned with just cause for various reasons. I was surprised when I learned of Outlaws ban. He was not perfect, but I felt that his post had improved generally. I guess that he had a few shots across his bow from the mods, culminating in a shot below the water line.



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This is the first post I have made on the outlaw fiasco.


Fact #1. You are never banned from this site, without good reason.


Fact #2. Before you are banned you are issued with warnings.


Fact #3. If you repeatedly ignore those warnings, then see the first Fact.

Edited by Dleifnarc
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Like many, I've not posted or voted regarding Outlaw. I do think some people are getting very hot under the collar and starting factions, having digs, objecting to this - arguing about that. At the end of the day, we are all guests on this site and we are asked to obey the general guidelines of the site owner/s (Teal I believe?). Because the owner/s can't be here to watch over us all the time, they get some members to act as moderators to try and keep us all in the bounds of what is acceptable - that is not something that we - as guests decide.


I'm sure we would all like to know the truth of what happened - because we are all nosey ******* anyway - that's called being human. :blush: And, whether we like it or not, we have NO right to ask that the reasons be made public.


I have no quarrel with Tony, I enjoyed a lot of his posts but, at the same time, I remember some of the very objectionable posts he made earlier in his membership. Did I PM him - no! Did I complain to the mods - never in a million years! Why? because I can be adult in understanding that we are all human and can - and do - make mistakes. For the most of us though, a word of warning is usually enough to make us think again. Going public and having a go at the mods is no way to deal with the situation and nor is public flaming of each other.


Tony himself stated he had an opinion on most things - and he let us all hear the benefits of his wisdom on this. We all chose whether or not to read them. How many of us can actually recall the point in time when he publicly stated on the forum that he was turning over a new leaf as he enjoyed being on the site and the banter he had with others and didn't want to lose that? I do - and I can remember thinking - great. He did change - and that was evident in the more considered opinions he made after that. But something must have happened to change all that. I don't read all the posts on the site - I don't have the time or the energy for that - perhaps some of you are aware what that was if it was anything and that perhaps led to him being banned.


Whilst it is nice that some people are being vocal in stating they want him back etc, I don't think it is doing him any favours - in fact - if anything - all it seems to be doing is tearing this site to shreds.


Perhaps the answer is for the admins and mods to cut out the General Banter section for a while to allow everyone to cool down and re-think the situation, and then re-introduce it with strong guidelines as to what is and is not acceptable? I know this is what has happened on a few other sites I go to and - it seems to work and folks can get back to beaing easy with each other.


I came to this site because of my love for the sport - and the chance to get help and guidance with it - and have done so - still am as well :lol: Let's not end up closing it down because of a fall out in something that has little to do with our sport.


Aw ra best tae ye's aw - and no - before some smart Alex asks - I'm not touting to be a mod :lol::lol: .


Pushkin :no:

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ive looked at the new site a couple of times tonight and just read on there that its nothing to do with outlaw the actual site itself, but reading on what they are saying is that the moderators on there will have to make all decisions public like if removing threads they have to email the person involved and they are also saying that if somone gets banned off there they will post a reason, I personally think thats fair enough , I like it on this site but ill have an occasional nose on there to see whats going on. I never knew outlaw but I think from what I read a lot of people liked the guy and when someone who is popular gets banned from a site there will always be plenty of opinion but im sure it happened for a reason.

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