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First Tree Rat


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Whilst out last Saturday, Ciaran got his first squirrel with the 20bore he recently received. He is thouroughly enjoying his days out, and is learning more about the countryside,, its flora and fauna, than any classroom can teach him.

As, typical of most teenagers( well nearly, he's 12 1/2) his palate used to run, mainly for junk food, but since starting shooting last year, he has ate everything he has shot and learnt to pluck,skin and gut also.


Its a pleasure to spend the money on him, even though he has developed a serious liking for different hats/caps etc, building up quite a collection, which is still growing as I write.

Sorry should have added, the dog is Bracken, top retriever,( ex of Lambton Estate) belongs to my brother, Rob.





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Out yesterday and he got his first rabbit with the 20 bore, didn't have my camera, so didn't get a picture, but he is loving it, even had a go of his uncles 12bore Franchi semi automatic.

We are going to have a full day out next Saturday, ferreting the rabbits, then try to get some pigeons roosting latter, but staying to go lamping in the evening, so the boy will have a fulll and long day, hope he's up to it.

Let you know how he gets on next week



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