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How long to wait after Jabs


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Hi All


I'm picking up my 8 week old ESS pup this Friday. He wont have had his first jabs when I bring him home but I'll get them done as soon as poss.


Could anyone tell me if the pup can go out after his first jab or if not, how long after will he need his second jab and then how long after that should I wait before taking him out? - I'd only take him in the garden, round the block etc


Also, what are the dangers if I take him out before his second jab? (I've been offered a training day where there will be other dogs but he definately wont have had his second jabs by then)




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Hi All


I'm picking up my 8 week old ESS pup this Friday. He wont have had his first jabs when I bring him home but I'll get them done as soon as poss.


Could anyone tell me if the pup can go out after his first jab or if not, how long after will he need his second jab and then how long after that should I wait before taking him out? - I'd only take him in the garden, round the block etc


Also, what are the dangers if I take him out before his second jab? (I've been offered a training day where there will be other dogs but he definately wont have had his second jabs by then)







From memory there are one set of innoculations at 9 - 10 weeks and another set at 11 - 12 weeks and you need to allow a week thereafter before you can expose your pup to the big wide world.


He'll be fine in your garden in the interim assuming it's private and chances are he's not going to catch anything going round the block or at a training day (anyone training has more than likely had their dog vaccinated) but for the sake of a few weeks when he's going to be a companion to you for years to come is it really worth the risk, no matter how small?


Besides that I would have thought a training day at that young age would be a bit of a waste of time, 10 minute exercises twice a day will be more likely to bring the best out of him IMHO.


Hope this is of some use.





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There'll be more - and when he gets to 8 or 9 months you'll need 'em all :lol:


Good luck with him, where are you getting him from?





He's from Peter Molloy in Hillingdon / Uxbridge. Grandmother was Moonreed Flush and other Ftchs all the way back. Has Rytex and Badgercourt in the lines, so looking forward to trying a bit of training!

Edited by Iaindp
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He's from Peter Molloy in Hillingdon / Uxbridge. Grandmother was Moonreed Flush and other Ftchs all the way back. Has Rytex and Badgercourt in the lines, so looking forward to trying a bit of training!


:lol: sounds a nice pup

Moonreed Flush will be his grandfather.



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hi iain

my springer has moonreed in her pedigree e.g her mum and greatgrand mum. she also has rytex grandfather and great grandfather on her father side .

and badgercourt on her mums side (great grandad ) . and many more rytex and badgercourt going right back to her GGGG-Parents.

she is now 20 months old . we have found her to be very head strong .and the early days of training frustrating .you really needed eyes in the back of your head.

she has just done her first shooting season .and she has done better then we could imagine.she covers the ground fast and thorough .shes always eager to please . one thing we found when training her was that she did not like to retrieve. so we were not expecting to much from her .

but to are amazement she has excel again .she has had no problems with this at all .runners or river no problems what so ever .

her only little hiccup is that she will everynow and again run off .but this is getting less and less as she gets older .

all in all she is a good little worker . and we are very very please with her


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