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3rd beaters day of the season

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As per usual arrived and split into two teams. We won the toss and elected to stand first.


I drew peg 5 and arrived at the peg full of anticipation. Peg was on a narrow ride with absolutely no chance of taking anything behind. Just solid wood. So early and in front was going to have to be the way to do it. Which is easier said than done, jeez what the hell was that :o a woodcock almost took my hat off on the way past :lol: I was ready for the next one though a couple of mins later, took it in front and it dropped about 5 feet behind me. A few mins later a nice cock bird headed towards me on my left side, hit it early and it dropped on the ride ??? keep it easy for the pickers up. First drive over 2 for 2, my first woodcock of the season!


Our turn to beat and we were dispatched up the side to start from the edge of the pen, we were about 100 yards in front of the rest of the team at the start of the drive. Which effectively meant we had our own little mini drive :D . Ground game was allowed today and a nice rabbit was watched intently as it hopped down the pen wire, unfortunately it changed it's mind about 10 yards away from presenting a safe shot and ******** off. Just as i was cursing under my breath i was drawn back into focus by my neighbouring gun hollaring at me about a cock heading straight for me, pricked it with the first barrel and finished the job with the second. We then turned and beat in line with the rest of the guys. After about 50 yards i almost trod on a cock bird which scared me half to death, recovered, let it get a respectable distance before getting a shot off and completely missed it - not to worry though next door was on the case and cleaned up for me. Ended the drive with a cock for 3 shots.


Our stand and on peg 7 this time, I was quite enjoying myself watching the other guns bang away and seeing plenty of birds moving in front of me in the wood. Called a few birds for my next door as it was an old boy who wanted me to call cock or hen for him (cocks only day). A woodcock almost presented itself but as it cleared the wood it dipped very low and would have been an unsafe shot. It did zip back up again and peg 8 nailed it. Spotted a partridge nice and early clipped it with the first and dropped it with the second. Almost immediately a cock went the same way clipped and dropped. End of drive and found the cock very easily however it took quite a search to locate the partridge. So that's the second first of the season, my first partridge this year and 2 for 4 shots this drive.


Beating the next and in the thick of it again. Almost immediately i nearly stepped on a cock, let it get up and then missed it twice. My neighbour didn't help this time either he had two at it as well (bulletproof pheasant :lol: ) end of drive 0 for 2 d'oh!


Our stand next peg 9, out in the boondocks. Had a hare come past me, thought i'd get a shot at it behind but it just melted into the scenery. Next a woodcock absolutely hooned down the ride from my left, I waved at it, it jinked up fiercely presenting a shot and i missed it. Next a squizzer popped out almost ran through my legs, again i thought i may get it behind again it vanished without trace. What is it with this ground game today :yp: End of drive 0 for 1


Lunch, my mornings efforts :- 3 Pheasant 1 Partridge 1 Woodcock for 12. Some shots on every drive which was nice ???


After lunch we did a couple of partridge drives, we beat the first one and birds were moving almost immediately giving some great shooting for the standing guns. One broke back across and behind me but only managed to get one shot off and it dropped a leg, still it went down in the middle of the next drive and would get picked on the way through.


Our stand and i was peg 2, right in the box seat on the side that i had beat down all season and watched some great shooting by the paying guns. I called a couple of coveys straight over the gun to my right and he just didn't see them :blush: Then a couple of birds quartered over in front of me and i called them for him again, again no salute ??? Then one appeared on my left hand side through the sun going like a scud missile, i got one shot off i think you can guess the result ? Again a couple of birds quartered across me and i called them and watched as he didn't shoot and called them for the next gun down who of course didn't shoot :) What is this? the Partridge Preservation Society? I'm now quite close to having a hissy fit and decide the next one is mine, ****** them. Whistle DAMN!!!


We beat the last drive and saw quite a few woodcock going forwards, unfortunately they all seemed to go over a chap with no lead in his cartridges :lol: I then did my now famous trick of treading on a cock and then missing it going back. End of the afternoon i have had 3 shots and not added to my tally 5 for 15 overall. Total for the day was the high 80s.

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Nice write up Sprinter I enjoyed that :blush:


Weve got our beaters day tomorrow, which I am & aint looking forward to. My shooting of late has gone to rat **** :)

I to haven't shot a woodcock, partridge or duck this season, so maybe tomorrow.


Hopefully I'll be putting a post up this time tomorrow saying what a great time I had.



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