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f.a.c air rifle


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I am not an FAC cert holder but have found out enough to say that anything needing a fac is no doddle,even air weapons.Still need good reason,suitable land etc. The pistol seems used in highly specialist circumstances and would be even harder to get granted. Someone who knows will answer better I guess.Good luck.

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You will go through the same procedure for ANY section one firearm. (edit: However if you only request FAC air) and only currently have access to a small piece of land you will be more likely to get an open certificate at the outset - which is less restrictive than a closed certificate.


As time goes on you will be better placed for powder burning firearms when you can show good reason for having them - such as bigger farms to shoot over.

Edited by Dave-G
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thanks for replys very helpfull thankyou .i,ll go with the open ticket as i need the pistol more than anything trapt foxes doesnt look to impressive when i pull a 12g shotgun out of van in front of customer to destroy a trapt fox in rear of there garden. and very loud.noel

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