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Air rifle question!


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Hello all,

Love the site,

Been reading it for quite a while now, but havnt posted.

Ive just got back into shooting after quite some time away from it.

Where I used to live I had an abundance of farmer friends who'd let me use their land, but nowadays im a little more stuck for choice. I intend on askign round a few local golf courses soon, as suggested on yr site, but I was wondering does anybody know what the law is with regards to shooting on common land? I know you have to be a certain distance from a public highway, but other than that is there anythign to stop me shooting on common land provided I shoto responsibly and take every possible precaution to avoid members of the public?

Thanks for any help in advance!

Look forward to asking you helpful bunch plenty more questions, HA HA HA


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As allready stated mate, all land is either owned privately or by the government (local council), you will need permission from whoever owns the land you intend to shoot over to go on there with an air rifle.

To shoot without permission is to commit armed tresspass and nobody wants to go there :lol:

Other than gaining permission, some of the general rules are keeping a safe distance from any public rights of way, make sure the backstop is safe, know the boundaries of the land you are allowed to shoot - even to allow a pellet to stray over onto a neighbours land is to commit an offence :lol:

hope this helps mate :lol:


Welcome to forum and back to airgunning :good:

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Cheers guys, I didnt realise common land was owned by anyone, I guess I thought it was just somehow owned by the public, daft i know, a quick google search soon showed be the errors of my ways! :good:

Anyone know what department within my local council would I have to cntact about getting shooting permission on government owned land? Or would that be a waste of time in any of you more experienced fellows opinions?

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Hard to say really mate, my guess it would be some kind of groundskeepers department or section of the council?

Another thing that is very helpfull in gaining permission is insurance - either BASC or BASA (im a BASC member myself) will go a long way to making people feel better about you being on their land with a gun.

I would imagine that the council wouldnt even think about it without insurance.

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Many councils do offer shooting rights- but they tend to let the rights over large bits of land- and will go for upwards of £5 per acre per year. Try something like the Estates Office, or just ask for the department that looks after Council owned land.


MonkeyJ was spot on about insurance, they will want to make sure that you are covered AND that your policy covers them as well,


Going back to the question about common land- remember that the land and the shooting or sporting rights can be owned by different people - or in some cases the sporting rights can be held by Trusts for example. But it is absolutely correct that you cannot and must not shoot anywhere that you do not have permission to do so, and in my opinion that should be written permission.



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Take a look




Not free- but not too expensive!




Yeah, I know about the land registry from when I was looking to find a plot of land to build my house, but it can take quite a long time (I think they said up to 21 days :good: ? So you think to yourself: 'I'll get a few together and do them at once' and then you realise you get quite a bill! ???


Unless anyone can think of a way to short-circuit the system, I think I'll hang around looking suspicious (no gun obviously) until someone turns up ???

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