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Pigeons everywhere

Fisherman Mike

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I drove up the A40 between Cheltenham & Oxford yesterday and virtually every rape field had pigeon on them, and not a gas gun in sight. Particularly around Burford area, windrush valley some stonking big flocks in one or two of the fields.


Any of these fields yours Will ? :lol:


Fisherman mike





Good to see you posting again.





Thanks guys..........for the last few months ive been incapacitated with a terrible back pain, injurred in a fall ( no I was not drunk) one of the effects was a dead left arm and I have been unable to do anything until now.


I had been waiting for corrective surgery but a colleague recommended a particular Chiropracter who has been expensive but brilliant. Surgery not now required and im 85 % there. Guns, fishing rods, binoculars and sticks will be coming out again very soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I drove up the A40 between Cheltenham & Oxford yesterday and virtually every rape field had pigeon on them, and not a gas gun in sight. Particularly around Burford area, windrush valley some stonking big flocks in one or two of the fields.


Any of these fields yours Will


Yes they are mine!


Yes there are quite a few around there!


We've shot that bit 5 times now and its shot really really well until when we had another go on Friday last, which was a total load of poo cos it was too still/bright/too much pressure and the birds no-lika-to-flya.


Still can't win 'em all.

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