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what gun

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i ask is there anyone who takes aled seriously :)?:P?:D???

after reading a few posts it seems we have another "young" walter mitty ??

out of this world shots over distances big bertha would be proud .

i agree with jordan (a youth himself) who seems to have his head screwed on tighter than poor aled "put the time in young jedi" :)


and good advice by "hg" again



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from what you have posted aled i would not trust you with a spud gun im only 15 myself and dont take it personally but i cannot see how you can give others advice and tell them what to do when you are so young yourself. i have recently sent off for my shotgun license and my mum and dad have no problem me going out on my own with a shotgun. but i have decide only to go out with my dad as in my view it is safer also you state that you own a rifle if that is on your dads cert as far as i can make out you are breaking the law if you shoot it even under your dads supervision :D well now ive had my say i feel better :) dont know wether it makes sense though

also id pay more attention in school especially when discussing imperial measurments


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probably on some deep deep deep undercover black ops mission taking out 3 legged blind yaks in outer mongolia ,of which we will hear of the 3,500 yd shot through the heart shot whilst hanging upside down on the only tree limb available for cover in the rain and howling wind ,,,,,,,,,downhill,,,,,,,,,wind behind,,,,,,,,,,,,sun in the eye ,,,,,,,,,song in my heart ,,,,,,,sorry getting silly now .. ;) :blink: B)


just joking aled :P

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