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Finding pigeon shooting


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Thought you may like to hear a story about what happened today.

Went out at 9 to do a few jobs and then go decoying, passed a field where I have permission to shoot,2 blokes already shooting.Came back at 11 walked across to say hello, 2 really nice blokes from Manchester ( 60 miles away) they tell me how hacked off they are because they had to move a local off who had been there since 5 this morning, he had decided to go for breakfast at 10 at a local cafe leaving his gear behind TO KEEP HIS PLACE?:lol: I asked them how they had got permission to shoot? They had been given permission by the combine contractor NOT the farmer or landowner.If things carry on like this we may have to go to Argentina to shoot pigeons or doves.P.S. The local guy had stuffed cartridge cases and dead pigeons in the hedge row and rabbit holes.

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Salopian, I have read your post several times and I am slightly confused.


The "local" who stuffed cartridge cases and dead birds down rabbit holes, did he have permission to shoot the field ?


The two nice blokes from Manchester, did they get their permission to shoot from the Combine Contractor ?

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I did not see the local chap, if I had he would have been shown the error of his ways and I would make sure he was "blacked" around here.

The Manchester boys had been given permission by the contractor NOT the landowner or person holding the shooting rights, (this act of shooting without the permission of farmer/landowner may be used to prosecute and the charge could be armed trespass).The point I was trying to make is, "What chance have any of us got to shoot if we do our recce, gain correct permission and then on the chosen day you find people are travelling hundreds of miles to shoot your land just on the say so of a mate/contractor,friend of the wife, etc.,"

If we are all not very careful we will loose the lot.


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Salopian, report the lot to the Farmer/Landowner.

We have all suffered from similar things.


Often "poachers" have the cheek to pretend they have been given permission by someone in authority, when approached.

Its possible the chaps from "Manchester", were not telling the truth.

Most realise that the worse you will do, is tell them to leave.


I was invited to join a small pest control Syndicate, some years ago, there was a subscription of a few hundred pounds a year to be paid.

One of the downsides, was that 6 relatives of the Farm Manager also had permission to shoot over the land and paid nothing.

I politely declined. ;)


Its always a good idea to let your Farmer know when and where you are shooting.

Then, if he hears any shots on a different day ,in a different place, he can go and check.

Its also polite. :lol:

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