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A good afternoon shoot.

the hitman

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Spotted a rape field yesterday attracting loads of pigeons , but not a breath of wind ( one shot and away syndrome). The conditions seemed better this morning , cold bright and a wind starting to stir. I had things to do first thing , but was in the hide by 12.30. Twelve shells and 20 sillosocks , then the first two shot went on the magnet . They decoyed really well , twenty or more at the decoys at a time , then a couple of pairs , or the very odd single.

I packed up at 3.45 with 49 shot , it should have been 50 , but one of the runners flew away just as the dog went to pick it.

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Yes mate i'm chuffed with the dog , but he did one strange thing , after he had picked a few pigeons and working well , he picked a dead bird i had just shot , and ran across the field and hid it under a hedge , then returned to the hide as if nothing had happened. He picked up as normal after that. :good:

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I am sitting here reading your post and wondering where in Nortumberland you are, where I am sitting (not far from Corbridge??) I see the odd single pigeon / pair for a couple of weeks now!! Are you decoying them away from me ?

Out house overlooks a rape field, but let me tell you right now it is real hard work to get them interested

:hmm::good: :(

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sundowner i am in north northumberland along way from corbridge. Up here for every rape field drawing pigeons there will be loads not getting touched , you just have to get in the car and do a good recce. If there are no pigeons in your area , just widen the search , most farmers will welcome you if his field is being hammered.

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