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Anyone own a Logun Solo ?


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How are Logun Solos, i am going to buy a PCP (springers only at the moment) sometime soon and am wondering what the Solo is like, also would you choose a S400 over it.


Many thanks, HSH :good:




get the s400 mate far better guns the solo is ******** or even get the s410 witch is what i have :lol:


The solo is a cracking gun actually and for the money there aint much that touches it. Its well made, reliable & I've shot loads with mine already at really varying distances. I agree that the s400 & s410 are better guns but they come with a bigger price tag also.


I dont take kindly to people slagging my gun off fella especially when it does the job its meant to.

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How are Logun Solos, i am going to buy a PCP (springers only at the moment) sometime soon and am wondering what the Solo is like, also would you choose a S400 over it.


Many thanks, HSH :good:




get the s400 mate far better guns the solo is ******** or even get the s410 witch is what i have :lol:


The solo is a cracking gun actually and for the money there aint much that touches it. Its well made, reliable & I've shot loads with mine already at really varying distances. I agree that the s400 & s410 are better guns but they come with a bigger price tag also.


I dont take kindly to people slagging my gun off fella especially when it does the job its meant to.




slagging YOUR gun no mate solo`s YES

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Whats the bloody difference ? And what exactly is the problem with the solo, it does what a s400 or s410 does !





LOL just that a mate had 1 and there a load of ******* and dont compare it 2 any AA air rifle as its no were NEAR as good :good:



sorry pal its my own opinion and if you would of fort about it a bit more you would of bought the s400 or s410

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Whats the bloody difference ? And what exactly is the problem with the solo, it does what a s400 or s410 does !





LOL just that a mate had 1 and there a load of ******* and dont compare it 2 any AA air rifle as its no were NEAR as good :good:



sorry pal its my own opinion and if you would of fort about it a bit more you would of bought the s400 or s410


Aye ? Would of "fort" about it :lol: I'm more than happy with my solo thanks & I never said I wasnt !


What you really mean to say is you have absolutely no clue whatsoever what you're talking about because you've never shot one ... have you ?

Its acurate, light, well made and kills with ease. It also has the option, like mine to become a multi-shot very easily & cheaply. If I had the money to fork out on a 410 six months agao I probably wouldve but I'm extremely happy with the Logun as it does exactly what I want it to.


Unless you've got a constructive argument as to why the solo is "a load of *******" then dont bother ******* commenting ok fella.

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Whats the bloody difference ? And what exactly is the problem with the solo, it does what a s400 or s410 does !





LOL just that a mate had 1 and there a load of ******* and dont compare it 2 any AA air rifle as its no were NEAR as good :lol:



sorry pal its my own opinion and if you would of fort about it a bit more you would of bought the s400 or s410


Aye ? Would of "fort" about it :lol: I'm more than happy with my solo thanks & I never said I wasnt !


What you really mean to say is you have absolutely no clue whatsoever what you're talking about because you've never shot one ... have you ?

Its acurate, light, well made and kills with ease. It also has the option, like mine to become a multi-shot very easily & cheaply. If I had the money to fork out on a 410 six months agao I probably wouldve but I'm extremely happy with the Logun as it does exactly what I want it to.


Unless you've got a constructive argument as to why the solo is "a load of *******" then dont bother ******* commenting ok fella.




you will see in time bud when it starts jamming PRONE 2 it and if you had a clue about PCP air rifles you would not have bought the solo :good:

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I have got a clue about PCP's fella & the solo was in my budget at the time of purchase, the s410 wasnt. Infact I researched a lot of PCPs for a long time as I've come from a springer background & the solo had by far the best reviews, bar maybe the AA s200 which I found too small for me, for the price.


Never ever heard of them jamming or anything and my shooting partner uses an s410 & he loves shooting mine as well ..... so maybe its just you fella !


Do me a favour, dont just base you're argument on "my mates jammed all the time" rubbish because it doesnt wash fella. Like I said be constructive a dont bother.

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I have got a clue about PCP's fella & the solo was in my budget at the time of purchase, the s410 wasnt. Infact I researched a lot of PCPs for a long time as I've come from a springer background & the solo had by far the best reviews, bar maybe the AA s200 which I found too small for me, for the price.


Never ever heard of them jamming or anything and my shooting partner uses an s410 & he loves shooting mine as well ..... so maybe its just you fella !


Do me a favour, dont just base you're argument on "my mates jammed all the time" rubbish because it doesnt wash fella. Like I said be constructive a dont bother.





you should have just bought a bb gun :good::lol: and yes MY MATE HAD ONE !!!! AND THERE A LOAD OF **** take care of your toy FELLA

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Listen, you're mates might've been ****, you might not have liked shooting it ..... that doesnt mean the rifle is a load of **** ! I'm sure the 16-20 rabbits I've shot at anything between 35-45 yards in the laste few days wont be thinking its **** will they !


All I'm saying is dont slag it off fella when you've only had you're mates to go on ok.

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Listen, you're mates might've been ****, you might not have liked shooting it ..... that doesnt mean the rifle is a load of **** ! I'm sure the 16-20 rabbits I've shot at anything between 35-45 yards in the laste few days wont be thinking its **** will they !


All I'm saying is dont slag it off fella when you've only had you're mates to go on ok.




true ............... but 45 yards i smell BULLS**T no chance of a solo doing a rabbit @45 yards 30 -35 yards then mabe but 45 LOL

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:good: Why is it my posts always start feuds, it is so annoying :lol::lol:???


Just a little disagreement fella, no feuds going on ! I just dont appreciate having a gun thats made by a very reputable company with excellent write-ups and has served me well in the 6 odd months that I've had being slagged off.


I'm all for 'each to their own' & differing opinions but I do get annoyed that the solo takes a bashing from AA owners because its £200-£300 cheaper !


Anyway, I'm happy with it & thats what matters.

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Listen, you're mates might've been ****, you might not have liked shooting it ..... that doesnt mean the rifle is a load of **** ! I'm sure the 16-20 rabbits I've shot at anything between 35-45 yards in the laste few days wont be thinking its **** will they !


All I'm saying is dont slag it off fella when you've only had you're mates to go on ok.




true ............... but 45 yards i smell BULLS**T no chance of a solo doing a rabbit @45 yards 30 -35 yards then mabe but 45 LOL



this rifle is verry abul to take a rabbit at 45yds i myself hav taken rabbits up to 50yds with a head shot with my solo useing bisley mags.

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  • 7 months later...

I own a Solo .22 since a couple weeks, and I can tell you its a very accurate well build light litlle gunny :good:

Got it in FAC and it serves me me more and easyer then any airgun that I had before, and that are a few :blink:

35-40 good shots in 1 fill, with Jsb Exact heavy or Express. Could not believe what a power it had left at 50 yards! it starts with 27 ftlbs at the muzlle, and keeps 20 ftlbs at 50 yards :good:




This is my babe :)


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