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Just read an article online regarding the budget next month.

Apparantly anyone who smokes or drinks is going to receive a sizeable kick in the nuts.

However, the 2p a litre increase on fuel to combat 'gas guzzling' cars (does that mean my 2L Fronty? :blink: ) has been defered until october, so we'll have to keep paying too much for our fuel for another few month before we start paying waaaaaay too much.

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Man walks into Park Lane land rover dealer, looking to buy a Range Rover for his wife who lives in the wilds of Chelsea. Upon asking the price of the new Rangy Sport he is informed it is £58000. Does this government really think adding a grand to that will make him walk away ?

Edited by digger
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Man walks into Park Lane land rover dealer, looking to buy a Range Rover for his wife who lives in the wilds of Chelsea. Upon asking the price of the new Rangy Sport he is informed it is �58000. Does this government really think adding a grand to that will make him walk away ?


Hi-jack 1 petrol tanker and you could buy the new range rover and fuel it for a year and still have change!!

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yes i think all the money the goverment make on other things ,and if they stopped wasting the countrys monies giving it away to other countrys they would be able to reduce fuel taxes etc

all prices go up but peoples wages dont go up to cover the rise the goverment put on everything

they spent billions on the northen rock and still no different (why didnt they let richard branson take it over )

they did have another bright stupid idea aswell putting the price of a pack of ciggys up to 10 pound a pack saying it would encourage people to stop smoking (they would loss millions there aswell) (i nearly fell off my chair)

and the bootleggers will have a feild day as it would encourage more bootlegging

(i think they only look after themselves giving them selves stupid pay rises which they dont need its just greed )why not put the money back in to the country and not their pockets


anyway thats my opinion im sure a lot you will agree with me

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