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Aya Yeoman No3

Evil Elvis

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:blush: I have just bought an aya yeoman no3, and someone at some point has varnished it, it looks llike a nice peice of wood underneath so i want to take off the action and sort out the wood.


I have sussed out how to get the metal out of the fore end, but does anyone know how to get the action off from the stock on these please?


I took out a screw behind the trigger guard, and the big screw on the top but nothing budged, any ideas? :lol:

Edited by Evil Elvis
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I don't own an AYA No.3, but if it has a buttplate, remove that first. It may conceal a stock bolt running the length of the stock, into the back of the action. Most likely not, though, based on previous experience with English boxlocks.


You need to use a gunsmith's turnscrew, not a screwdriver, or you'll cock up the head of all of the screws. You also need a padded vice available. The wood-metal fit at the head of the stock should be very tight. Remove the large screw underneath the top-lever. Remove all of the screws along the trigger guard, and remove the trigger guard from the hand of the stock. With the action held firmly, gently pull on the stock. If you twist it, it is liable to crack. And then you'll have a sense-of-humour failure.

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According to Trulock and Harris's website the No.3 is a Boxlock non ejector version of a tyrelever. This will mean that Baldrick is absolutely right and under the buttplate or recoil pad there will be a stock bolt.


This will either have a hex head or more likely a slot for a big screwdriver. A torch will help to have alook down the hole.


You may find that if the varnishing was done with the stock on then the action will be stuck to the stock. This was the case with nearly every Baikal gun I ever worked on.


If it is the case then tap the action gently on a piece of softwood while holding the stock around the grip part.


This should crack the varnish around the joint.


As baldrick has already said don't go mad or you could break the stock. If you do I know someone who can make another one for you.





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Thanks guys, but there is no screw in the butt end. Its a yeoman, i got the no3 off the barrels, so it might have been 2 guns or the no3 on the barrel maybe insignificant. However, last night i did take all the screws out and it was still rock solid....hmmmmmmmm :blush:


Martin, ho much does your mate charge for a new stock anyway?

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If you have taken all the screws out and it is still solid then I reckon the varnish is sticking the action to the wood.


Try a couple of gentle taps on a piece of wood. but not too hard. A new stock will cost you a fortune, probably at least double what you paid for the gun.

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A plastic-faced mallet may be useful, Elvis, if used lightly and sparingly for a few taps on the side of the locks. Patience is probably the best tool. I've tackled exactly the same problem on an old Webley 700, where the head of the stock had swelled (saturated with oil) and clamped itself firmly to the back of the action.

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:blush::blush::hmm::good: Done it!!!!!!, once i managed to unstick the trigger gaurd, it swivelled round revealing another screw, once that came out, the action splits into 2 and it came of the wood easily......you should see the grime in the action...euuuuw!!!


Is it considered "kosha" to disable the auto Safety while im in there? they do my head it, missed many opportunities thro them!!!? :lol:

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