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Larsen Trap


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Well now spring is about i thought it was time to bring the trap out of the shed. Have had the thing set up for a week now but no luck im afraid, but i'm not sure if its me doing something wrong.

I'm using a big old stinking salmon head and tail to try and get them in but to no avail. I've tried it in the corner of a field and its now out in the open. Where's the best place to locate it?

They seem quite happy playing 30 yards away in the sheep field but show no interest atall to the trap, what am i doing wrong?

Any info much appreciated.



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I'm not sure that maggies are that interested in stinking fish, they prefer to hunt by sight, not smell, like foxes.


The best thing to do is to get a live call bird, most keepers always have some spare at this time of year, failing that, make a "nest" in the catch compartment, put a couple of white eggs in it, then break a fresh egg on top of the trap.


Also scatter a few broken eggshells around the trap to make it look as if the "nest" has been raided.


If you don't catch within a couple of days, move it.


You'll soon get lucky, but keep the trap away from roads & footpaths, otherwise it'll soon get smashed up.



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