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Fisherman Mike

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Hi all,

I would like to comment firstly on snipers comment about the Ghurkhas leaving the country with a full pension; this is very good comment because if they did leave this country then that’s lots of lost revenue being shipped out of our communities.


The place that they come is very third world and these ex soldiers would be like millionaires over there, I think if the government gave them a pension and citizen ship which could only be drawn while living in this country then I don’t think it would be a problem.


I have trained and worked with these soldiers in the past and agree with FM that they are the keenest hard working soldiers around barring a few, I have served with them in Africa amongst other places around the world and these troops have fell under fire in an attempt to protect the UK and other allies,. How can we say thank you for your services and goodbye with nothing.




The PM

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I have at the minute staying at my houise my grandad. Not only is he a Lt.Colonel he was also awarded an MBE for services renerded in Burma during WW2. It is my opinion that anyone who was willing to lay down their lives for Britain should be given exactly the same priveliges as any other irrespective of their colour or creed. I am proud of my grandad ( and he has got stories that would turn you hair white ) as i am sure descendants of all veterans are proud of theirs. This has always been my opinion and always will be. As for sitting on the fence if anyone were to read all posts from this member (fnarr fnarr) you would see this poster is opinionated, and beligerent to the point of having most of his most vitriolic and cantankerous posts removed.


P.S My grandad firmly believes for his own reasons that the pension entitlement fot ghurkas is adequate considering the cost of living in Nepal and that they should not recieve citizenship for the UK as they were employed by the UK to do a job which they did admirably, but it was a contract of employment and this should not extend to full citizen rights

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Jim hates who? I know Jim and as far as I can tell He does not hate anyone! He has a dislike of people who are unable to substansiate an argument, and instead use petty goading and aggressive posturing instead of putting forth a cogent point.

Another bugbear of Jims is people who post statements that are monumentally wrong, a factor that Jim thinks is increduluous in this world when all relevant facts are available to anyone who has access to the internet, which is possibly the worlds biggest reference library. Jim is a peace loving bloke with a love thy neighbour attittude but like David Banner, dont make him angry, because if you want to eat humble pie, Jim can recommend a very good recipe.

Dave( jims alter-ego) D squirrel

P.S cleaver is my middle name

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P.S My grandad firmly believes for his own reasons that the pension entitlement fot ghurkas is adequate considering the cost of living in Nepal and that they should not recieve citizenship for the UK as they were employed by the UK to do a job which they did admirably, but it was a contract of employment and this should not extend to full citizen rights

True enough Jim and I appreciate your post about cherishing the time we have with our elders..


Your Grandad can probably remember vividly then Winston Churchills stance in 1940 when Britain was out on a limb and stood alone against the Nazi and its allies.


Churchill approached the Nepalese Leader at the time to ask for permission to Bolster the British infantry with 30,000 Gurkha conscripts.


His reply in agreement included the words.... " Does a friend desert a friend in his hour of need, If we win we win together, if we lose we lose together"


Where then were the Chinese, Pakistanis, Indians, West Indians, & Eastern Europeans which are only too keen to populate our Country and infiltrate our benefits system now.


They paid for their pensions and citizenship with their own blood and I think the whole thing is disgraceful.


I know for sure that if senior Ex. Military personel were involved in government any of them who have had contact with these exceptional men would not hesitate to grant them citizenship. And Winston himself would no doubt be mortified that the issue was ever brought into question.. Great man that he was.



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