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Hairline crack repair

Paul LTW

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Ive a Beretta 686 E Sporting thats decided to develop a hairline crack from back of safety along the grain of the wood for about an inch, its really annoyed me! anyone have any tips on how to repair or alternatively how much its gonna cost to get it repaired. Ive been told epoxy resin will hold but i don't want a half job, id like it to hold for good.

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Is it not still under warranty? If so send it back.


If it isn't there is only one sure fire way of mending it and that is replacing the stock. An almost permanent way of fixing it is to go to a model shop and buy some ZAP CA cyanoacrylate glue. (Super glue but miles better) I would then take the stock of and ease the crack open gently. Put a few drops of ZAP into the crack and let go. The glue will wick into the fibres and set it stronger than the wood was to start with.


You will not be able to open the crack far enough to get epoxy or PVA glu in far enough. THe ZAP is thinner than water and will run into the cracks.





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:yes: Hi mate my 686 stock cracked in the same place and beretta replaced it under guarantee,

while waiting for the new stock my gunsmith drilled a hole at the end of the crack before prying it apart

to glue it and refilled the hole you couldnt tell the difference, anyway got the new stock and its a different

finish and colour as they dont do the spray finish now, so you can tell its been changed and the old stock

went back to them **** or what ;) wish Id never bothered.

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Ive a Beretta 686 E Sporting thats decided to develop a hairline crack from back of safety along the grain of the wood for about an inch, its really annoyed me! anyone have any tips on how to repair or alternatively how much its gonna cost to get it repaired. Ive been told epoxy resin will hold but i don't want a half job, id like it to hold for good.

paul dont do owt till we meet up i am not at the reindeer next week but when we meet up I may be able to help///pete///

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