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I know for serving soldiers we can go through the Range Liason Officer for shooting permission. It costs money, not much but it'll give you a years shooting on a couple of hundred acres but you're governed by range standing orders and if the ranges are in use or not. Same applies to the training area land - exercising units have priority over the land.

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All MOD Land is covered by the Defence Deer Management Group which there will no doubt be a waiting list to join, if you are a serving forces member or civil servant working for the MOD you can join. You will probably also find that the ground is leased, for example, Salisbury Plain is MOD property, but as you say open to the public, however there is a Keeper employed on the ground to rear birds for driven days, he will carryout or employ someone to carryout vermin control. DO NOT GET CAUGHT ON ANY LAND WITHOUT PERMISSION AS YOU CAN LOSE YOUR TICKET AND BE PROSECUTED FOR ARMED TRESPASS AND POACHING!!!

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so whats the score if your sining off then can you still use the land?:blush:


I presume that as long as you got the relevant permission, paid yearly fees (if applicable) then the land is yours to shoot until the year runs out. Not sure what'll happen though when you become one of the masses again. I know in Colchester garrison, a lot of the shooters are ex squaddies. Not sure if their fees are more than serving shooters fees though.

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