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Good day on my second visit


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Ive only been pigeon shooting for approx 6 months and aquired some land earlier this week. The field is rape but it has a large amount of bare patches which the pigeons are still hitting hard.


Went yesterday and from a couple of recce trips earlier in the week identified the flight line.

Set up uderneath and finished the day with 26 woodies. If I could of shot better I could probably of doubled it but I'm sure it will come with time.


I really enjoyed the day and realise what a great sport I've got into.

The only thing I did find was that I had a great mornings sport which then seemed to go dead during the afternoon with just the odd bird. It then picked up again in the late afternoon.

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marcuspetch, if the weather is settled all day, the birds always seem to have a "digestion" break somewhere between 12 and 3pm.


I was shooting over some well nibbled rape margins this afternoon and did well.

The interesting thing was the birds I breasted out tonight were all full of chickweed, not rape.

It seems thats what they are feeding on in the bald spots.

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