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Re-listed at a new price LOOK SXS SIDELOCK

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This is relisted with a lower price £450

I have a silver sable deluxe side lock sxs 12b ejector with double triggers game gun. It has just been serviced, cleaned up, one of the firing pins has been replaced and a stock repair and refinish. This game gun is truly stunning, there is a black sable (which is a lesser model) for sale at a local gun shop near me and it is up for £695. I'm looking for £### and would consider a part ex, I'm looking for a semi auto w.h.y?















the trigger guard is now finnished and I will post some pics as soon as I get a chance

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Few questions ;

Barrel Length


Stock Length





Hi there sorry for the lack of info well it's a typical game gun with 27" barrels the chokes are 1/2 and 3/4 ideal for driven but more than capable for walked up the length of pull is 14 1/2" if there is any other questions please do not hesitate to ask

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What was the stock repair?



as far as the stock repair it was snapped by an over zelous previous owner who decided to use it as a priest as you can see or rather cant see!in the second picture down the repair is second to none! just for peace of mind it has two stainless steel threaded rods approximatly 5" long running down the length of stock one on each side (inside so not clue to repair) to reinforce the whole repair but I can asure you that the two part epoxy glue used would have been more than enough I could have not mentioned this at all as the repair is so good but I feel honesty is the best policy this is why this has been listed at this rediculosly low price if it was without this repair I would have listed it at around £800 plus as previously commented on by another member on this thread any inspection welcome!

Edited by straightshooter1
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