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last nights mooch


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went for mooch last night, weather turned really bad :lol: about to pack in! spotted this fox behind hedge :/ appearing then disappearing! started to squeak it in hopefully in range of the s/gun :) she was very cautious took me about 25min to get her in range! then BANG a no1 shot 3" mag sent her to the promised land :lol:


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Nice one Digga,


25 mins, bet yer heart was pumping.


I get (too) excited after calling for 5 mins when one is coming, bet you wish you had a rifle a few times.


Out of interest for that amount of time calling, did you stay with the same type of call or change it a few times.


They may be wily but you can still get 'em




Andy CM

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yea Andy, my heart was pumping, i was knackered with calling! i started calling with one of them ACME predator calls :lol: she stopped out of range for ages :) then i changed to using my hand! she came in to range then :/ al have to try one of them calls Tommy T ,uses :lol::lol: Regards Digga

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