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Some sort of hawk ??


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There i was, driving home through work through a busy town.


next thing i was watching a flying pigeon whilst sat at a red light then out of no where some sort of hawk lunges and grabs it in mid air....feathers everywhere. As it flew away i could see the pigeon in its talons..


what could it have been !


any one else ever seen the same ?

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Female Sparrowhawk or Peregrine. Quite a few towns and cities have Peregrines nesting on cathedrals, churches and other high buildings now, including Lincoln, Derby and Manchester.


Highly unlikely to be a Goshawk unless it was a falconers escape. Goshawks habitually keep as far away from humans as they can, they're extremely shy and secretive birds. I've seen hundreds of Goshawks over many years, never anywhere near towns. Sparrowhawks on the other hand, are frequent in towns and a big female Sparrowhawk is as big or bigger than a small male Goshawk. They're the most frequently misidentified birds of prey in Britain. If someone tells me they've seen a Gos and I ask them why they consider it was a Gos, if they start with it's size, I switch off. :lol:


Size is extremely hard to estimate in the field, unless you have both species up together and you need to go by shape and style of flight. However a big female Gos is hard to confuse with anything else B)

Edited by Chard
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only the other day we were talking about the amount of buzzards about...... seems like loads latley..... then no sooner had the converstaion stopped i clocked two circling on the thermals high above our house !!!!

saw one on a fence post on the side of the m62 (liverpool end) the other day too......

probably a buzzard id say....

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only the other day we were talking about the amount of buzzards about...... seems like loads latley..... then no sooner had the converstaion stopped i clocked two circling on the thermals high above our house !!!!

saw one on a fence post on the side of the m62 (liverpool end) the other day too......

probably a buzzard id say....



Taking a pigeon in flight? :lol:


It would need to be a turbocharged one B)

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A buzzard wouldn't take a pigeon in flight, they search for carrion, bunnies insects and alike, they are not mid flight takers, although they will take an opportunity if something sits still long enough.


Sparrowhawk sounds the most likely.


More Rounded or more broad wings will sort out the goshawks from the sparrowhawks.

Edited by BSA Shaun
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