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travelling with air pistol


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Does anyone have any idea on the rules regarding travelling on an aircraft with an air pistol? I want my wife to buy a Walther PPK air pistol for me in New York and bring it to me in Dominica, West Indies where air guns are subjected to very few (if any) regulations. I don't expect that she'll put it in her handbag - perhaps it can be placed in her suitcase? I have tried to contact JFK airport in New York with no success.


I appreciate any advice on the matter

Edited by jrwb
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I carried a BB Gun in my SUITCASE from Dubai to the UK.

Id say LEAVE IT IN the box which states AIR PISTOL/ BB GUN otherwise there could be trouble.

Otherwise it should be fine :yes:


Might want to check ito it though just incase, you dont want to be cavitity searched ... or do you ? :hmm: hehe :lol:



100000% DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT!!! Carrry it on you, my friend was almost not allowed to board our plane because his belt buckle was like a grenade, It was just a belt buckle but because it looked like a grenade he had to had it placed in a secure box and loaded underneath with the luggage.

DO NOT **** AROUND WITH A GUN IN AN AIRPORT, They WILL shoot first and ask questions later, especially with these bloody terrot scares.

Edited by henry d
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I had a plaque given to me, was a half pistol (made out of wood I think) with an engraved plate under it, mounted on an A4 size piece of polished wood, any way, I got hauled up in front of customs because they saw a gun 'shaped' item in my suitcase when it went through an ex-ray! And this was in the UK. The yanks are VERY jumpy indeed, so Id do some more phoning around customs etc and find out before you attempt to bring it back.

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