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death penalty


death penalty  

115 members have voted

  1. 1. death penalty - yes or no ?

    • YES
    • NO
    • I am a PW parking-warden-type-person and my missus wears the trousers.
    • I come from Suffolk
    • I love my shed

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All the people who think they have the right to decide who lives and dies should turn up at your police station tomorrow and thell them you have a pile of guns and think that some people deserve to die, and furthermore you know who they are. See if they let you back out the door.


I have the right to life, and you aint going to take that away. Which is exactly what you would do if you brought back the death penalty.


And dont get all angry at me, the worst my argument does is to keep your right to stay alive - yours gives the governement the right to kill me, and my family, and yours, and any one else they decide.


We have few liberties left, the only ones we have guaranteed is the liberty to think and to be alive.


Human life is paramount. PARAMOUNT!


I can't belive that people complain more about having their police restrict what they can shoot than losing the right to be alive.


A right is only a right if it is defended, merely declaring that someone has certain rights does not guarantee them. Capital punishment after due process is part of that defence.


You are much more likely to lose your right to life in Britain today than you were when we had capital punishment. Your argument does put people in danger - innocent people. It protects the wicked and dangerous.


As the for the police station - I have said that above all I value the rule of law.




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We all know it will never happen over here, the country doesn't have the stomach for it right or wrong. Our judicial system as it stands is a shambles :)


What about sending all the the fit criminals between the ages of 21-40 up to suffolk and serve out there sentances during hard labour painting my shed?

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We all know it will never happen over here, the country doesn't have the stomach for it right or wrong. Our judicial system as it stands is a shambles :)


What about sending all the the fit criminals between the ages of 21-40 up to suffolk and serve out there sentances during hard labour painting my shed?


All of them? Must be a big shed. Are you sure it's not a Brick-Built Workshop?



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We all know it will never happen over here, the country doesn't have the stomach for it right or wrong. Our judicial system as it stands is a shambles :good:


What about sending all the the fit criminals between the ages of 21-40 up to suffolk and serve out there sentances during hard labour painting my shed?


All of them? Must be a big shed. Are you sure it's not a Brick-Built Workshop?




The shed's just an excuse so he can watch the young fit men :)

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We all know it will never happen over here, the country doesn't have the stomach for it right or wrong. Our judicial system as it stands is a shambles :good:


What about sending all the the fit criminals between the ages of 21-40 up to suffolk and serve out there sentances during hard labour painting my shed?


All of them? Must be a big shed. Are you sure it's not a Brick-Built Workshop?




The shed's just an excuse so he can watch the young fit men :)


I meant the female criminal element.....


I am as straight as a right hand cast Browning

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All the people who think they have the right to decide who lives and dies should turn up at your police station tomorrow and thell them you have a pile of guns and think that some people deserve to die, and furthermore you know who they are. See if they let you back out the door.


I have the right to life, and you aint going to take that away. Which is exactly what you would do if you brought back the death penalty.


And dont get all angry at me, the worst my argument does is to keep your right to stay alive - yours gives the governement the right to kill me, and my family, and yours, and any one else they decide.


We have few liberties left, the only ones we have guaranteed is the liberty to think and to be alive.


Human life is paramount. PARAMOUNT!


I can't belive that people complain more about having their police restrict what they can shoot than losing the right to be alive.


Hard to see the point you make with your first paragraph. I don't think any rational poster is claiming the right to decide who lives or dies, the pro death penalty camp argues that it should be the judicial sentence for murder. How that equates to the government killing your family is beyond me. There are two overwhelmingly good reasons for murderers to be killed, it represents justice for the victims and their families, and it most certainly stops them doing it again. That is not a frivoulous point, there have been many cases of convicted killers repeating the crime. The alternative to the death penalty is what we have now. Ian Huntley can sleep peacefuly in his bed, perhaps dreaming happily of the day Holly and Jessica died, while he looks forward to getting his release date. Why is Huntley's life paramount?


I know I'm on the losing side of this argument, I'm with the majority, and that only works in a real democracy. Still, no reason we can't discuss these issues.

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I voted no, purely because I cannot get past the thought of people who are wrongly convicted being "put down" and then the conviction overturned.


take the two women who supposedly murdered their children, and were convicted on the evidence of Dr Meadows. turns out, he was incompetent and chatted an awful lot of ****. would have cost these two women their lives had the death penalty been applied.


Yes it would be a deterrent, yes it would solve the overcrowding issue. BUT, there can be no financial price put on bringing someone to justice, and punishing them. it costs what it costs.


More prisons that are better managed is the answer, and sentences where life means life and ACTUALLY MEANS LIFE.


what we need is one of these:




with a ******* great fence around it, in the middle of nowhere, guarded by men in watchtowers with guns.


just think how many could be kept in there........

Edited by J@mes
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